Friday, August 17, 2012

23. Trivia Night at Casting Office

I'm pretty bad at trivia. I'm just not one for facts. There are certain people that'll pull out a random fact in awkward silences or certain situations to add to conversation...I am not one of those people. I can't even think of one random fact off the top of my head. I don't research biographies of people, watch or follow any sport teams, read blogs - you get the picture. When I was invited to Trivia Night on Tuesdays at The Casting Office, in Studio City, I thought it'd be fun regardless of my ineptitude.

I'd been to one trivia night before, but came late and just sort of watched. So this would be a new experience for me.

Trivia night started at 8 PM, but I arrived at 9 due to traffic (I was still able to participate despite my tardiness). The area of the bar where trivia was held was the size of a large room. People were scattered at tables and counters in groups ranging from 3 people to about 8. The teams each had their own selected team name (my personal favorite was "Ignorant Sluts"), and had about 5 pieces of paper for the answers.

One older gentleman ran the trivia questions, and asked them over a microphone. He also announced the scores after each round, so everyone knew who was at the top, and who was dangling at the bottom. The winners got a free round of drinks (I think...yeesh, shoulda paid closer attention...but it was about the game, not the prize!)

Some of the trivia themes included types of food, answers to random questions ranging from movie characters, sports teams, etc. all equalling one cohesive mystery theme, actors who have starred in biopics and the character they portray, and based on a series of facts - one famous person. I thought having a degree in Critical Studies in Cinema would make me an asset on the biopic trivia questions...but alas, I think I only knew one answer that my partners did not know.

What I liked most was the ability to talk over the answers with the rest of your team. I guess I assumed it'd be like Family Feud or something, where one person answers one question without help. I do wish I had known more facts so I could have contributed more, but I still had a good time. That competitive feeling you get as a child, playing monopoly or other inconsequential board games, still exists on Trivia Night!

Check out the yelp reviews here:

There are other trivia nights scattered around town at bars, that I might want to try, as well. I've heard the one at Fox and Hounds is fun...

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