Thursday, August 2, 2012

17. Riding a Bike - Perry's Bike Cafe

The last time I really rode a bike was when I was around 8 or 9, and I don't even remember if I rode without training wheels. My best friend and I were escorted by her father along San Vicente Blvd, in the bike lane, which in retrospect now, as a long-term driver, seems fairly dangerous. I don't remember much of that day, except we did it, and we listened to Toni Braxton on the car ride back.

The next time I "rode" or shall I say..."momentarily sat" on a bike was freshman year of college. Around the campus, students often rode bikes to and from class, to and from campus to their dorms/apartments, etc. On this particular evening, all of my friends were biking to a dining hall. I was the only one who didn't have a bike. I preferred to walk. My guy friend offered to lend me his. I didn't realize (yet anyway), that men's bikes can have a much smaller seat making it challenging or uncomfortable for women to ride. I got on, and moments later was on the hard, cement ground. I'd fallen over the handle bars, skinning my knee, and bleeding. I don't remember the exact details, but I think I simply went over a bump in the sidewalk too roughly. Needless to say, I walked the rest of the way to the dining hall, and unfortunately have been scarred from riding bicycles ever since.

Recently,  I have wanted to conquer that fear. Having spent a majority of the last six years on a college/grad campus, and watching people carelessly ride bicycles, has only emphasized my inability to get on one. I also used to date a guy who rode his bike to and from work, which was basically an hour away. I longed for this kind of healthy, active, and some-what exciting lifestyle. I remember seeing a cute girl in a summer dress, cycling, a baguette and a small dog in her bicycle basket. At first I thought, are they filming a rom com nearby? Then when I realized no, it's just Los Feliz, and everyone seems like they are in a Hipster movie...I wanted to be that girl.

A couple Friday's ago, I spent a beautiful sunny afternoon on the beach, and I got back up on that horse aka bike again. My friend and I went to Perry's Cafe - a bicycle rental place. There are several located all along PCH. We went to the one near Wilshire, since it's a straight shot. They offered us two beach cruiser style bikes. They said accusingly "You don't want helmets do you?" to which my friend responded "I do". Thankfully I have friends who are more neurotic than me. No one else was wearing a helmet along the bike path, so we ended up letting our hair fly freely in the wind.

Trying to the ride the bike at first was difficult, embarrassing, and a bit frightening. It was hard to get both feet off the ground and stay balanced and simply pedal. My friend was shocked at how juvenile my skills were, and pedestrians were certainly watching me struggle. But eventually I mastered the pedaling and I was moving down the path. Most of the path was perfect for a newb like me, but also a more experienced biker. It was paved and smooth, and when both my friend and I veered off the path accidentally, we merely fell onto some soft sand. The view was of the ocean - um...not bad right? It was only less than ideal when pedestrians got on the bike path and walked really slowly (since I didn't feel prepared to bike really fast and pass them, until the very end of the hour of biking). It was also frightening for me, because I didn't want to run into people, since I tended to swerve a bit.

Overall, I really enjoyed this afternoon. It was a bit of exercise, a beautiful scenic day with a great view, and I overcame a little fear. I would definitely, 100% go back and rent a bike from Perry's Cafe and continue to improve my bike riding skills, whilst enjoying some time at the beach.

To rent a bike for an hour is $10, two hours is $19, three hours is $23, and the whole day is $30. We only did it for an hour, since I was just learning. Don't forget the Badger SPF 30 Sunscreen For Face and Body!

Learn more about Perry's Cafe here:

To see a cute pup in a basket check this out: "Tagalong Pet Bicycle Basket"

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