Wednesday, August 8, 2012

19. Between the Sheets with Josh Macuga - Stand up/Comedy Show at The Improv Lab

"Between the Sheets with Josh Macuga" is a monthly Standup/Comedy Show organized by Casual Mafia, a Los Angeles based Sketch Comedy Group.

We arrived 30 minutes early, after pre-paying for our tickets online. When we entered The Improv Lab (the back room of the comedy club), no one was there yet, so we ordered some food and drink at The Improv bar.

Once inside the show venue, we realized we could have easily bought tickets at the door (minus the extra fees you get from ordering online). And when you are a struggling student, those little details matter.

Between the Sheets combines Stand Up Comedy with a Late Night Talk Show vibe. The comedians perform stand up and then afterwards have an interview/gab fest with Josh Macuga, the host.

The comedians in this show's line up were Elliot Chang, Jodi Miller, Josh Adam Meyers, and co-host Adam Ray. As far as their performances go I thought Jodi Miller was hilarious. I'd seen her at the Comedy Store a few months prior, but she really "killed it" this time and provided a fresh, female perspective. I thought Adam Ray was pretty funny and quite dashing, as well. I'd also seen Josh Adam Meyers before, and most of his material was the same this time around. The new material was really sexual and dirty, and I mostly just had a sour look on my face during his set. Elliot Chang was alright...he had a few good ones in there, but I think he was having an off night. I thought Josh Macuga had some funny moments as host, but I also felt he was a little too "on"...but I guess that's what talk show hosts do...?

At first, when I understood the format of the show, I was worried. It almost felt like it was trying too hard to be something else. But once the comedians got comfortable and the show was on a roll, I enjoyed it. Some of the conversations/interview were really entertaining. I especially liked when all the comedians were on the couch together just bouncing off each other with high energy. The switching of comedians and comedy style kept me engaged and laughing. I was never bored.

My only complaint for this show is...the material was too sexual. Maybe I should have paid closer attention to the name of the show, but I just think that people use sex as a cop out - to get cheap laughs - this happens in movies, now novels, and comedy. I think it takes a more clever person to come up with hilarious situations or truths which lack crudeness or vulgarity. Don't get me wrong, I still find a good poop joke funny and of course some sexual innuendos or what not, but this was just too much. Especially during the interview section...

I started to feel a bit uncomfortable, and I'm a woman who performs Vagina Monologues every year, shouts "Vagina!" at the top of my lungs with my friends, and wears t-shirts that say "Jam out with your..." You get the picture. I'm not uptight when it comes to these topics, but for some reason this just rubbed me the wrong way (yes I notice the innuendo in this sentence).

Anyway, overall I really enjoyed the show, and would recommend checking it out. I laughed a lot, and had a fun night out with young, vibrant people. I just wish comedians would focus on the funny in every day life instead of always resorting to sex.

To learn more about Between the Sheets visit the Casual Mafia facebook page here:

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