Wednesday, August 8, 2012

20. Pixar in Concert - Hollywood Bowl

The Hollywood Bowl is a great LA spot. Numerous events, outdoor seating under the stars (well maybe one or two if you're lucky), picnic food - just general merriment. This particular Friday evening I was invited to see Pixar in Concert.

Because the Hollywood Bowl is notorious for their terrible parking situation (all the cars jam in a lot in front of and behind each other (tandem) so there is no way to escape), I looked into the "Park & Ride" option. Hollywood Bowl offers buses that take you from a parking lot where it is safe to leave your car for free, directly to the box office, and then takes you back - for only $10!

I took the Park & Ride by the Federal Building. If you check the Hollywood Bowl's website, you can see what times the buses come at each location (which are scattered around the city). You can buy pre-sale tickets (at least 2 weeks before) or right before you get on the bus. I'd never done this before, so I was nervous it might be sold out.

I rushed over to the Federal building, parked my car by following some clear signage, and then ran to the bus that was about to leave. They had room for me and a couple other stragglers. I mistakenly took a seat facing inward...I would not recommend this, especially if you get car sick. The ride was jerky and bumpy, and I was stuck watching the world fly by was quite unnerving. However, on the way back, I made sure to get a good seat (facing forward), and it was much more pleasant. I would highly, highly recommend this form of travel. It's quick, easy, cheap, and best of all you don't have to wait! And I know what waiting can do to people...(hint: causes anger and self-entitlement).

Once I arrived at the bowl and met my Pixar partner, we stopped in the Market Cafe and bought some fruit and drinks. They have romantic options for those lovebirds out there - strawberries and whipped cream! We also got food at Staccato. We ordered some chicken tenders and french the kid's menu. Very classy. The food, overall, was good - but you are welcome to bring your own picnics into the Hollywood Bowl, so I'd probably recommend that instead. Their food options are convenient, if you don't want to carry a picnic basket around.

After we took our seats (note: very uncomfortable wooden benches) we got ready to watch the show. I had brought a big blanket, because I thought it would be cold. I was glad I brought the blanket so we could have some extra cushion, but no blankets necessary on a summer night.

The actual show was really fun. The orchestra played the music from each of the 12 Pixar movies: Toy Story 1,2,3, Monsters Inc., Wall-E, Up, Finding Nemo, Cars 1,2, Brave, The Incredibles, A Bug's Life, and Rattatouille. As the music was playing, certain scenes were projected on a large screen (sans sound effects and dialogue). It was interesting to see what a huge roll the music played.

This show was also interjected by speeches from the Conductor and the CEO of Pixar. They mostly were just patting Pixar on the back, saying how great it was, how groundbreaking, ya de ya de ya da...I wanna see Nemo! Basically, I could have done without the interludes, though it seemed like some people were quite excited that the head of Pixar was there.

What I liked most about the show was that I still felt so much emotion without any sound or dialogue, simply from the visuals and the music. I got weepy during Finding Nemo, Rattatouille, Monsters Inc., and UP (of course - who does not cry in UP?). I was a little dissappointed in the scenes they chose for Wall-E, because that movie is mostly non-dialogue to begin with, and so successful in visual storytelling, but they chose to highlight the scenes in which Wall-E and Eva soar through the sky, instead of the more tender moments.

Having this show outdoors provided a more casual, interactive experience. You can whisper to the person you are with and talk about what you are seeing, hearing, etc. without disturbing others. We ended up moving back to a bench that was fairly empty so we could have more room. It was nice to have this kind of flexibility.

After the show was over (why weren't there fireworks? Sad), I walked through the tunnel and took the bus back to my car.

It was a very successful, out of the ordinary, and fun evening, and I'd highly recommend it to Pixar lovers. It's also a great show for all ages, so it'd be a fun family event.

Buy your tickets or learn more here:

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