So, I was super sick for most of August. It was, needless to say, a pretty miserable experience. In an attempt to get better, I tried to go the holistic, organic route and imbibe as many healthy remedies as possible. Naturally, I decided to get some fresh squeezed juice.
I tried two places, both located in Brentwood:
The first was Pressed Juicery in the shopping center off of 26th Street and San Vicente. It's literally a hole in the wall. Not a store. It looks kind of like a large closet. Two people work behind the counter, and there is a refrigerator with all their juices. They have a ton of different options, including a very expensive juice cleanse (lasts several days). I bought two juices: Pineapple/Pear/Ginger/Mint and the Alkalizer (apple, lemon, extra ginger, cayenne - meant to help you when you are sick). The first one was pretty delicious, but almost tasted alcoholic, the second one was super spicy and cleared my sinuses! The ingredients are literally just those ingredients...nothing else. They have many green options, as well. I know this isn't necessarily relevant, but I loved the way they package the bottles - it looks very simple and clean. The only downside is the price.
Juice Crafters was the second place I tried. It's also located on San Vicente, but more east. This place presses the juice while you are there in a huge machine. They also serve pre-bottled drinks. Here, I ordered beet, lemon, apple, ginger juice fresh squeezed. It was pretty piece-y and it wasn't cold, since it was fresh pressed. I also had about 3 hours to drink it in order to enjoy the benefits. I asked what the difference was between fresh pressed and pre-bottled, and the man who worked there almost made it seem that it was better to drink the pre-bottled, because they have a longer shelf-life. Kind of confusing. I also got a lemon ginger cayenne shot. The shot was not as spicy as I thought it'd be and they gave me a delicious fresh strawberry as my chaser. I was nervous that my throat would be on fire, so the woman who pressed the juices did the shot with me. This place was about the same price...expensive.
Overall, I preferred the taste and ease of the Pressed Juicery. I liked that Juice Crafters had interesting shots and more options. I'd go back to Pressed Juicery for juice and Juice Crafters for a pick-me-up shot. But since I've gotten healthy (note: I did not get better from the juice took many more weeks to improve, and an inhaler), I haven't felt the need to spend that much money on juice, though I could definitely see myself going back at some point to feel healthy :)
Learn more here: and/or
You can buy your own juice presser here: SamsonGreen WELLESPRESS Welles or Peoples Juice Press (Google Affiliate Ad)
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