Thursday, September 20, 2012


Well...this post should be interesting, seeing as how I saw Ted about 3 months ago. From what I remember, the premise was very intriguing and had a lot of potential for laughter and fun. I especially loved the fairytale, storybook beginning which had a real sense of childhood magic and a male narrator. Smash cut to: the grubby, drug-induced, sex-crazed "real" life reality of Ted as an adult. I liked the juxtaposition between little Ted and adult Ted - he really lost his innocence. He went from a sweet cuddly bear to one with matted fur, a gruff voice and a deafening boston accent.

I do think, however, that the story could have been even more creative. There were a lot of crude jokes, but I think that Seth could have played more with Ted being a teddy bear - like what comical scenarios would apply only because he is a stuffed animal? It was a buddy story about a guy who is attached to his friend, and this bromance gets in the way of his romantic relationship. It was less about a guy who is friends with a TEDDY BEAR. I thought this glaring concept could have been a bit more cleverly woven into the story.

Overall, it was funny, light, interesting, and enjoyable to watch. The animation of Ted was so well done, I loved small details like his fur ruffling when he moved, and I thought the general design of Ted was great - he is adorable. I could have done without the ending though. Ted dies and then is magically brought back to life through a wish (seems too easy), and then he continues to live with the couple. I just think that's a weird message.

The whole movie is about a man and his teddy bear, symbolic for a man not being able to let go of his childhood or innocence completely. I think the moral should have been, that at some point, you need to let go of the past in order to move forward as a real adult. No woman, with any self-esteem or confidence, would let their husband's best friend live with them for the rest of their lives. It's weird. I would have much preferred an ending where Ted marries that ditzy Blonde girl he dated or some other female (human or otherwise) and moved in next door, something to that effect. And yeah, the fact that all Mila Kunis needed to do was wish that Ted would be alive again, was disappointing in terms of creative means to an end.

Aside from these issues, the movie was entertaining and I'd recommend it for an easy viewing night. I realize it's not supposed to be analyzed and critiqued. It's not a cinematic masterpiece, but instead a funny look into the life of a grown up teddy bear, his antics, and his best friend.
Your own life-size teddy bear: 

Learn more about Ted here:

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