Sunday, July 15, 2012

12. Solstice Canyon

After learning of my recent Vitamin D deficiency, I realize more than ever, why being outside is almost a craving for me. Spending the week indoors (in buildings without windows!), I long for the great outdoors on weekends. I've been on the prowl for the best hiking spots or most scenic areas around LA.

Last weekend, I went on a hike in Solstice Canyon - another spot in Malibu. Solstice Canyon consists of a hike throughout the Santa Monica mountains. The hike leads to ruins of an old home - the remnants or remains still standing from one of the big fires.

After hiking up the Solstice Canyon trail (not too difficult, but long), we landed upon the ruins. It was pretty interesting. There were old stoves, fireplaces, a bathtub, and we could even tell where the pool used to be.

Just beyond the "house", was a small, but lovely waterfall, which lead into a babbling creak. We climbed up some of the rocks, which was a bit more challenging, to get to a higher vantage point. The hike was certainly beautiful, but not the most scenic, I've seen. Along the way we saw one snake, several lizards, and birds.

After sitting on a large rock that rested in the middle of the creak, we took the Rising Sun trail back towards the parking lot. This trail was much harder. It was mostly uphill and facing the sun (I guess that's where the name comes from). It was very beautiful. We were very high up and could see great views of the ocean, the mountains, some of the very expensive and expansive homes that sit atop the hills, the sun setting, etc. Quite luxurious for my peepers.

When we finally got to the car, I was so relieved. My feet were killing me from my old sneakers, and I was out of breath from the majority of the Rising Sun Trail. For about three days after, I was sore. Which to me - means that was a successful hike. Interesting and beautiful sights, and a work out.


Learn more about the Solstice Canyon here:

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