I just came back from a weekend getaway to New Orleans: a festive city of music, color, cuisine, antiquity, and warmth. I had a domestic flight to use, and had been wanting to visit my former college roommate and the city for three years. Now, back in Los Angeles, I feel rejuvenated and longing to see more of the world. In three days my friend and I did numerous activities, running around despite the intense humidity and heat. We did not let anything stop us, as my hungry eyes needed to take in the culture of this interesting city. During one of our lunches (we ate at many restaurants), my friend who will be moving back to Los Angeles, asked if I had any new favorite places to eat at home. I listed a couple. She looked at me, disappointed, and nodded.
I realized that the restaurants I mentioned had been my favorites for the past five years. This is partially because I have several food allergies that prevent me from being completely daring when it comes to eating out, but also because Los Angeles is home. I don't take advantage of the culture that's out here. When I have some free time and some money (which is sparse since I am a full-time student, and a part-time worker), I want to eat where I know I like the food. I don't want to risk wasting my money and time and appetite. I then realized that lazy, non-daring attitude applied to everything. Often times I'll choose lying in bed, watching bad reality TV over going to a gallery opening, taking a dance class, or exploring LA night-life with friends. I've started to take this city for granted - using bad traffic, difficult parking, and fatigue as my excuse. Why couldn't I be as eager in Los Angeles as I was in New Orleans? Well...I'm about to be!
My freshman year of college I took a Freshman Arts Seminar. My teacher, Eric Trules, assigned us "Culture Vulture Lists." Each week we'd come back with lists of things we'd done that were new or different for us. Things we had done that took us out of our comfort zone, whether that was eating alone for the first time, traveling somewhere new, getting a piercing or a tattoo, etc. This assignment would often motivate me to do more, because I wanted to fill the blank page and earn points (I don't know why earning points is fun...but it is! You would also get higher points the more daring you were).
On this trip to NOLA, my Culture Vulture List would have been through the roof. I played with baby alligators, tried gumbo for the first time, went to my first brass band concert, conquered some personal fears, etc. But here, in LA, I hardly do anything new. Los Angeles is one of those cities that has so many interesting and exciting activities and places, but a person has to dig to find them. It takes some heavy pursuit. It's not a city like London, where you step off the Tube and "Voila! Here's a ton of shows, museums, random events you can attend!" So, because I don't have time or money to gallivant across the world (though I really hope to someday), I decided to start this blog and a facebook group (https://www.facebook.com/groups/375936139131115/) in hopes of forcing myself to do more cultural things around Los Angeles (or nearby) and in hopes of making it more accessible to find said new, exciting places/events/activities.
Once a week, I will try to do something new. It can be tiny or big, depending on what my schedule permits. I'm not going to be harsh with myself, because this is about fun and loving life, not rules (we have enough rules as it is). I started a facebook group, because I want to learn about what other people are doing and what's going on in Los Angeles, especially underground, non-heavily-advertised places. Too often people keep hidden gems hidden from others. I understand the idea of keeping something personal and private and special to you...but maybe through this facebook group, people will share, and others will be able to enjoy.
I'll try something new, write a review about it, maybe post a photo or a video or two, if I so desire, thereby making my joie de vivre a little bit more joie-y-ier. I tend to get so caught up in school-work, trying to earn money, worrying about student loans, how I'm "going to make it" as a writer or just in the world, worrying about obligations and tasks, that I forget that life has so many wonderful opportunities, and at the end of the day, isn't life about those opportunities? It's not about the drama at your boring 9-5 job, or the errands you managed to complete over the weekend, it's just about living. And I really want to live. I want to make sure I do something exciting at least once a week, and prevent myself from getting completely sucked into the monotonous, cookie-cutter routine, that this society tends to push onto us. I'll do this for as long as I can, or as long as I want, and let the system devolve or evolve. I will be kind to myself and explore.
I hope to provide honest feedback and insight into all places I go, so if you read this, you might learn of some interesting opportunities, as well. Let's go get some culture vulture points!
P.S. Tonight some beautiful friends and I will be trying something potentially empowering and sexy or petrifying and humiliating...to be continued...
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